The Status of Women in Islam
Some mistakenly believe that Islam honors women and dignifies them for the simple
reason that they have not read the Qur’anic verses, and the sayings of Muhammad and
all Muslim scholars concerning women. Thus they take at face value all the claims of
Muslim missionaries in this respect. We seek to excuse those who have converted to
Islam and are deceived because no one would expect a religion which claims to be
divine (at the same time) to treat women so disgracefully.
We found on the other hand, some thinkers (even among Muslim Arabs) who have realized
that women are not treated equal to men in Islam, though only a few of them
occasionally dare to claim that publicly. Still, since their knowledge of Muhammad’s
sayings and the commentaries of the scholars is limited, they present a few examples
related only to the subjects of polygamy (marrying four women) and easy divorce.
Therefore, we seek to discuss here several issues to clarify the point under
discussion and to remove the deceitful veil of Islam concerning women.
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Taken from (Note: We do not necessarily endorse this site or its views.)